Much has been written about the impact of this pandemic on fitness. As runners, at least in this part of the world, we’ve been relegated to many virtual events and club time trials, with a few in person events popping up here and there. In the before times, these were frowned upon, but now they have become touchstones. Runners have had to dig deep to find their reason for running. While it is habit for many, even those that can’t breathe if they don’t run, have had to stop and take a deep think. My big disappointment was not being able to go to Berlin, it would have been my 12th & final marathon and my 4th major. I just can’t see my luck extending to London and Tokyo … but never say never right? But with Berlin cancelled, I was truly settled with not doing another marathon, focussing on the shorter distances and appreciating the inspiration around me. I just had to look…
It’s hard to miss an inspirational shot from this bridge….unless there are gale force winds !
Look right….a bit of inspiration 😉
Inspiration at my feet…
I, for one, have always been motivated by a challenge and I may be a bit competitive. Be it being dared to run a 5K because “anybody can run a 5K” or wanting to push that PB envelope as a Queenager Senior Master Runner. Up until COVID hit and even into the early months of the pandemic, I was definitely pushing that envelope, but at some point the heaviness of the impact did erode away at that trajectory. I can’t quite put my finger on exactly when, but it felt like it crept up on me. Not that I was giving up on running and fitness, but the drive seemed to have geared down (with some of those COVID pounds adding up too 😂)
Luckily I have a great run tribe, and one in particular kept on putting a bug in my ear. Let’s do a reboot half marathon on January 1st, suggests Jody, and oh look: there’s a medal involved! (Thank you Michelle!) and then wouldn’t you know that by the end of January she’s convinced me to a half a month. What I loved about this is that the PB quest was replaced with keeping up the fitness in as healthy a way as I could. Since that time, we’ve competed one every month and will be on track to do an event a month. That will be a subject of another blog in December 😉
Jody and I on our Reboot Half Marathon, January 1, 2021
Expanded tribe in support of Sarah’s friend #FUcancer
So that would have been a great goal for 2021, but of course why stop there? When Boston added a virtual option and Jody wanted to do it, I jumped at the chance to do that with her. We were not going to miss out on the full experience package, so we made sure we registered the day it opened…but then it dawned on me. I’m going to have to run and train for another marathon! What have I gotten myself into? AGAIN!
I am really excited to be doing this and to get to have this experience with Jody will be a lot of fun. There are, however, a couple of hurdles I will need to over come and as my ever patient Coach Erin can attest, I am my own worst enemy. I am an expert at undermining my ability and in these distance events that can sink you from that very first step. Erin has suggested that I restart this blog to help me work through my mind game(s).
So here I am, the runventurer queenager is back… Not only will I be working diligently at getting through this training season without hurting myself too much, I will be working on getting back to that mental toughness that I will need to call on during those moments I will need to dig deep during that 42.2K run…
What I do know is that this training cycle will be focussed on appreciating all the gifts running reveals to us and showing what badass queenager (for Jody is now part of that club) can do! I do promise, Jody, that what is shared on the run stays on the run unless you give me permission to share 🤪.
As we go through this journey, I invite you to share any and all hints. They will be faithfully considered. #RedmondRules