Bonjour ma gang! Here’s another attempt at reviving the Runventurer blog once again! The universe poked fun at me so I’m feeling a bit compelled to share this with those who want join in the poking, share their POV or just giggle.
Let’s just say that my running partner in crime and I have dreamt up a big ass goal (#BAG2025), which will be revealed at some time when we are ready. This in part led me to this latest plan of me putting my name into 2 Abbott major world marathon lotteries: Berlin (which I was going to complete in September 2020 but COVID shut the world down) and London (which like NYC, where my no-getting-picked-for-lottery-luck was in high gear).
For those who may not know, there are 6 world major marathons and if you complete all 6, you get an extra really pretty medal. See for yourself: While it’s all about the bling though, let’s not forget that while I have 3 of them (Boston X2, Chicago and NYC) I’ve retired from full marathons…they are much too long😂 Long story short, here’s how the universe howled at me:
- Panic because I had retired from marathons, a bit of disappointed relief occurs when my number doesn’t come up for London.
- Then shock that my number DOES come up for Berlin, so begins the self-doubt mind games, I change the wall paper for my phone. Daily reminders are good:)
- Then the “oh crap” moment, when an injured foot ends up being a 4th metatarsal fracture. NO major panic though, as Berlin is 10 months away, plenty of time to heal up and get back at it. Thankfully it wasn’t displaced and a clean oblique fracture and not much other damage to the foot.
- Then comes the WTF moment! Abbott had a special lottery for those who’ve already completed 3, 4 or 5 world majors. 500 spots. Chances would be better, but Redmond doesn’t do well in lotteries. No harm no fowl…right? But of course, my number comes up… whaaaaat?
London, at that point was only 5 months away. How on earth will this senior master queenager runner pull this one off. Older bodies take more time to heal. Dr Google has lots of scenarios to make you think you are an amazing healer and can get back on the road within 3 weeks or that you will be hobbled for life and will NEVER EVER run again. Luckily for me I enjoy planning for every possible scenario, I love my lists and I have a village including H, family, run gals, coaches, ever patient work friends, family doctor (who expects to go to high tea at the Ritz for her), physio, chiropractor and more.
The plan, in reality, is quite simple: heal first, then rehab and then run. The fun is the timing of what to do and when; as I will clearly not be in a regular 16 week marathon build. The challenge is not to second guess everything and keep me out of stupid town as a setback could put me back in my Aircast which I’ve kept out as a reminder of what will happen if I don’t behave. At this point, I am spinning, rowing, pool running and ellipticalling my way to an aerobic build. I feel like I am working harder at this than I did running.
I am doubling down on building strength and dedicated physio/mobility exercises. I’m working on stability and balance (which amazingly disappears when a limb is immobilized). This has been the first 2 weeks of my marathon build and I suspect it will be like this for at least 2 more before I can start running again. If all things go to plan, I will be hitting the pavement in the best possible way and into a shorter marathon build.
Early on in the healing process, I came across an IG post from Justin Sua that helped frame my path forward and has since been added to my mantra especially for this race. We all know about the putting one foot in front of the other, but when faced with what you see is a big obstacle, not too big and really not awful if you don’t make, but you really, really want to you have to be willing to win ugly
Some have asked if it ever crossed my mind to not go to this marathon, and I have to honestly say no. The universe spat this opportunity out to me and I can do this. It may not be the prettiest marathon effort ever (and I’ve had some pretty epic blow ups … like running NYC with a pulled groin) but it will be an adventure.
When I met my Barry, one of the things we dreamt about was how running would take us to places & experiences we may never have considered; and this one clearly falls into that category. While it will not be a race for me, I just want to get to that start line as healthy as possible and be able to complete it upright and smiling. OK, maybe a bit more than upright and smiling, but it’s way to early in this process to project that one! Stay tuned…
#winugly #queenager #seniormasterrunner #BAG2025 #