… and the LTM warrior whispers back: “I AM the storm in the big apple” (7 days to go!)

Best laid plans.  We have all had them and we’ve had all the woulda/couldas when they don’t come to fruition.  So here I am one whole week out putting all those apples (pun intended) in the same basket with no real plan B.  Those of you that know me, KNOW that I always have a plan B, it’s just at this point, I’m really not sure what it’ll be.

I’m gonna start by taking 100% responsibility and want to acknowledge the luck and privilege I possess and have worked hard for as well.  Until recently, I had a pretty successful and injury free year with PBs in the 5K and the Half Marathon; as well as a very satisfactory 10K.  I didn’t have PB aspirations for the Marathon, but with my training plan from awesome Coach Erin, I had some solid thoughts about how this iconic #TCSNYC marathon would play out.


  1. I had rested more my original adductor strain after MRW (definitely no regrets about that race though).  
  2. I had not let my strength training slip to the extent that I did (I’ve got some ideas for next year). 
  3. I had taken more than a couple of days off after I stubbed and probably dislocated my toe (that corner of the shower will be bubble wrapped prior to any and all races from now on!).  

….I would not be in the position I’m in now.  I’m going into this race detrained according to Garmin, new shoes that didn’t get a long run in and a fuelling plan that has been untested. 

My right leg went on strike after I tried to “run through” these “icks”.  I thought a bit of time off would work.  After, when I tried a couple of runs, it became clear that not paying attention did not pay off🙁 The reality set in that I may not have more than 50K in the whole last month of marathon training, including missing one of my crucial 32K runs…  My marathoner brain went into overdrive (and still is).  Should I do this? Should I defer? I can always walk the 42.2K or maybe I’ll do the impossible.  These questions were spinning around in my head and depending on the hour of the day, the glass of wine or bourbon in my hand and the position of the moon, I was leaning one way or the other….

The good news is that I am now healed up enough to toe the line next week, the wildcard’s going to be how this run will look and what my body has in store for me after 45 minutes of running (the most I’ve done in the past week and the most leading up to the race).

To stop myself from going crazy, I have to take control of something so here it is:  I’ve got to go into this as if I’m running a race.  Who knows, miracles happen, but the bottom line is running or walking through 42.2K is never nothing.  Time to get out of the “will-she-or-won’t-she” mode and into “come-hell-or-high water” mode.

So here are a couple of race spirit preps whether the leg cooperates or not 🙂

#racenails Since Jersey, I’m now hooked on race nails.  The manicurist called in all of her co-workers to listen to the story of my nails, hence the title of this blog.

Doing physio stuff in the gym with the “I am the storm in the big apple” nails!

#kickasscoachErin #bethestorm Coach/therapist Erin.  Being a marathoner’s Coach automatically means therapist too!  Erin, as you all know, is awesome and pushes us to fearlessness and fierceness in the most gentle of ways.  She gave us the #BeTheStorm mantra. I will be channeling her voice as this warrior whispers back. I am looking forward to her race plan for me and know there will be moments she’s gonna have me push and moments where she’s going to make me think about the awesomeness of running one of the greatest marathon experiences.  If she can conjure up a cow in a field coming into Lunenburg at the right moment (you had to be there to believe it!), I know she’ll have some reminders for me to look up and see all the wonderful and beautiful things around me during those 26.2 american miles. 

 #runtribe #bossladies #badassbossladies Your constant and persistant messages and offers to run with me during this “woe-is-me” period have fed me and have brought me back to reality.  Each and every one of you have personified the bad-ass-boss-lady I want to be and I will be reaching out in spirit continuously on Sunday.

#runningcouples #extendedrunningfamily You inspire me regularly!  Jane recently gave me a book to read that reminded me of the joie de vivre of running and because of that as well as a planted idea seed from fellow LTMer Crystal, I’ve signed up for another major marathon lotto.  So maybe, I’ve got another marathon in me in Berlin?  When I told my ever-patient husband, he just rolled his eyes and confirmed that it would be cool to visit Berlin.  He puts up with so much, but as a runner he understands.  I am so lucky ❤️

#daredtorun #perseverencerules One of my running mentors and asskickers, Bea, recently ran a half-marathon on Mount Desert Island, Maine.  I highly recommend this one!  Check it out here: http://www.runmdi.org/. This is a particularly challenging course run during the prettiest time of the year and for Bea this year she recognized it wasn’t her day but showed us that perseverance rules!  I will be calling on this kind of perseverance for sure.  BTW, I can actually blame Bea for all of this running foolishness, for she is the one who introduced me to running, by daring me to run almost 9 years ago. 

After one of our “reunifications” for which I‘m eternally grateful🤪

#mothermodels. I wrote a couple of weeks back about my mother’s knee replacement.  She is coming along great and walked 1.5K last week!  This is huge progress…an inspiration to keep in mind when I need to dig deep. I got her to send me a selfie of her doing her best #fierceandfearless look! What Moms will do for their daughters❤️

#fierceandfearless Yvonne doing her physio knee bends. Yes….she looks good at physio too !

#applebling #exposplurge #goodr I have a list, and I’ve checked it twice (not even talking about my 2 packing lists: one for the run and one for the trip).  I’m talking about all the cool race goodies, bling and run stuff that I’ll be attempting to cram into my carry on (because that’s all I’m taking).  I’m pretty sure that all of the throwaway things I’ll be packing will leave enough room for the goodies I’ll be bringing back!  And I’ve already started as I could not resist the #TCSNYCgoodr.

#bostonstrong Heat has been my friend lately while healing those strained muscles, I had a reminder me that sometimes things that are beyond your control bring out the best in humanity and that you need to keep your spirit open to those possibilities. In the picture below you can see a blue and yellow scarf wrapping the heating blanket around my leg.  This is my #bostonstrong scarf, gifted to me by a mid-western USA group of quilters who were part of a nation-wide initiative to welcome Boston Marathoners back to the race after the explosion in 2013.  I was there in 2013, 800m from the finish line, was not able to finish the race and was therefore invited back in 2014.  These quilters wanted to give us courage by wrapping us in their love.  I’ve not worn this scarf since, but it hangs in plain view to remind me of the fragile strength of running that has to be nurtured.  This will be my reminder to be kind to myself.  It’s OK to bring out the sergeant when I need a kick in the shorts, but don’t be mean!

Heat-wrapped in #bostonstrong love❤️ Just noticed I was wearing Jersey gear….I love my running gear🤪

#fierceandfearless = #findingfierce Sometimes we can tie ourselves into knots over expectations and sometimes we can get lost into what we expect expectations to be.  I’ve been running a lot of #fierceandfearless this year but this is hard to keep up when you’re wounded and it’s hard not to be hard on yourself for not being #fierceandfearless.  During our recent Rum Runners Relay, LTMer Melissa and I had a chat #findingfierce when you can’t seem to be #fierceandfearless.   #findingfierce feels to be more dynamic as a journey and not a destination.  This eased the spirits and Melissa ended up PBing a 5K distance during a training run a couple of days later (YEAH Melissa!!).  But here’s the rub Melissa: they’re the same thing! 

The destination is the journey.  So next Sunday as I’m #findingfierce I will be #fierceandfearless 😉 

Random song popped into my head while writing this blog (sorry, I couldn’t hep myself 😂).  As a homage to those of you already in post-race blues and to those of you who want to understand why we always get pulled back into pushing our boundaries, here’s a hint:

You’re going to miss me when I’m gone

(This brings you to a uTube video….takes about a minute to get into it … just like a marathon ;))